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Monday, October 10, 2011

More folks ...

... having a hard time believing:

A lot of people are having a hard time embracing the theory that Operation Fast & Furious was nothing more than a backdoor attack on the second amendment. I understand why. It seems like too large a conspiracy to be believable and it's hard to wrap your head around that level of corruption and evil.

Then you read a story like this one.

I don't think it's hard at all. Ace's blog is a good one (at least to me); it's harder-edged but not crazy. So why is it hard to imagine the Left would act the way we contend that they do? Imagine, given the Left's desire for more and more control over ... everything, who do you think they would prefer to have a monopoly of force; the government, or the people? Think hard, I'll wait ...

It doesn't matter who Obama's been palling around with; this thinking is endemic to the Left of all stripes. One Dem says we should cancel a few elections; it's not a hard stretch to see that they would prefer to see private ownership of firearms to end.


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