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Wednesday, November 17, 2010

This brings up an interesing question

Hot Air has a daily quotes post, and one of the quotes this morning made me think:
“Last Thursday I was flying to LA on the Midnight flight. I went through security my usual sour stuff. I beeped, of course, and was shuttled to the ‘toss-em’ line. A security guy came over. I assumed the position. I had a button up shirt on that was untucked. He reached around while he was behind me and grabbed around my front pocket. I guess he was going for my flashlight, but the area could have loosely been called ‘crotch.’ I said, ‘You have to ask me before you touch me or it’s assault.’

“He said, ‘Once you cross that line, I can do whatever I want.’…

“I tell the cop the story, in a very funny way. The cop, the voice of sanity says, ‘What’s wrong with you people? You can’t just grab a guy’s crank without his permission.’ I tell him that my genitals weren’t grabbed and the cop says, ‘I don’t care, you can’t do that to people. That’s assault and battery in my book.’”

So, what if you get one of those pesky TSA 'agents' who is so full of himself that the thinks he can do anything he wants. But instead of taking it, as soon as he starts into his 'authorized' sexual assault, you defend yourself? Violently?


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