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Thursday, June 17, 2010

Two headline worth reading

Glommed from the Ace of Spades headlines panel come two items very much worth reading.

First, an analysis of oil disasters and the evidence that they're not nearly as bad as we think:

The spill is clearly an ecological disaster, but overreaction to it could cause more environmental and economic harm than good. It should be viewed in perspective historically and environmentally, and policymakers should wait to make changes until the full effects of the spill can be understood.

Policy makers wait? Hah!

Next, more reasons that renewable energy isn't the answer:

The growing oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico has, predictably, resulted in a new chorus of voices calling for increased use of renewable energy sources. But over the past five decades renewables have actually been losing market share.

In 1949 nearly 91% of America's total primary energy came from coal, oil, and natural gas. The balance came from renewables, with hydropower being a dominant contributor. By 2008 the market share for coal, oil and natural gas, along with nuclear, had grown to 92.5% of total primary energy in the U.S. with the remainder coming from renewables.

Didn't see that coming.


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