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Friday, January 15, 2010

Violence? Moi?!

Ok, this is important.

David Codrea (blogging at The War on Guns) has a post up about a column he writes at Guns magazine, and a reader who didn't like what he wrote:

In his last line, Mr. Codrea seems to be skating pretty near the legal edge of making threats of violence.

Really? Only "seems to be"? I haven't crossed over?

Now that criticism hurts.

In the future, I'll try to be more clear.

I know this makes the Prags nervous to hear this sort of talk. David, Mike V at Sipsey Street Irregulars, and Western Rifle Shooters Association (among many) have led the charge on holding officials of the alphabet variety accountable. 'No more free Waco's' is the rallying cry, yet at the same time, 'No more Ft Sumpters' are the watch words.

Ms Maddow, Mssrs Rall, Olberman and Matthews, and all the other liberals have it wrong .... dead wrong. If there is any threat intended by armed citizens it is this: Stay out of my business and leave me alone, or prepare to reap the whirlwind.

It's not a threat ...... it's a solemn promise.


1 comment:

Robert McDonald said...

"Stay out of my business and leave me alone, or prepare to reap the whirlwind.

It's not a threat ...... it's a solemn promise."

I like!