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Friday, February 18, 2011

Action thought ...

Is it time we started treating other constitutional rights like we do 2A rights?

Weerd Beard commented on a Sebastian post regarding magazine capacity. Weerd lives in the Volksrepublik of MA, and he (and JayG) have to negotiate a lot of laws just to own firearms.

So why doesn't the NRA start to push their favorite kids in state legislatures to start introducing bills that would treat the right to assemble, the right to free speech, the freedom of the press, the right to be free from unreasonable search and seizure, etc ... and start exacting the same fees as are charged to firearm owners?

For instance, it costs $100 in MA just to get a permit to own a firearm (and they can't be evil firearms, either). So why not introduce legislation that requires a $100 permit to street-preach? $100 permit to demonstrate outside a place of business? Require all 'authorized journalists' to get a $100 permit to report the news? How about a $100 permit for all citizens to be able to vote?

Sound extreme?

Then why is the NRA not partnering with, oh, say the Second Amendment Foundation to file suit against MA for requiring money to exercise an enumerated right? And why wasn't that suit filed as soon as the McDonald decision came down?

Why has the NRA done nothing about the Hughes amendment?

It seems to me that the 800lb gorilla needs to really start throwing it's weight around.

Start in MA and IL.


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